![ZE:A Mook Magazine Spring 2011 [INTERVIEW] zea Mook Magazine magazine interview](http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x373/koreanidol/042011/11d2427282f9a1d74a779f2c52c08ad5_large.jpg)
ZE:A – Mook Magazine Spring 2011
Q1: Before doing concert, is there any item that you must bring in the dressing room?
Q2: Related to the recent single “Love Letter” in December 2010, please say if there’s anybody you would like to give a love letter by yourself!
Q3: Your favorite type of girl and how do you approach the girl that you’re interested in?
1: The must to do thing is training. After that, going to toilet! (laughs)
2: Of course it will be for fans but, I would also want to give the staff of the company. Now that we receive so much love from the fans like this, I want to dedicate it to each one of them.
3: First of all, she can�t be not cute (laughs). To be specific, a girl whose shirt suits her sounds nice. After that, as a woman, a person who is good at cooking is exactly the best! When I am going to approach her, if I think I�m good (for her) I will confess to her by myself!
Also, there are things that I can tell to my companion. (laughs)
Things that you want to challenge this year
When we came to Japan last year, even when we have time we just slept in the hotel, we didn�t really go out. That�s why, this year I want to see and feel Japan more.
1: I keep moving. I jump on the spot and then relax my body.
2: I want to send it to the fans.
Thank you for always giving us support.
This year too, let�s spend this good year healthily.
3: I have unique/personal way. For example, like Jessica Alba���.
But she�s already married, isn�t she? (laughs). I think Japanese women are really overflowed by charisma. The way they talk are cute, it�s really charming.
Things that you want to challenge this year
I want to perform in music program. Like �Music Station� maybe.
Anyway, I want to come out in a big stage. To be specific, the place that I want to go to in Japan is Sapporo.
1: Before doing live, I do light stretching and exercise. If it�s failed, it might lead to injury.
2: I can�t give it only to my family. If I give it, they would likely to be worried. Do you feel indisposed somewhere? I know they would have thought like that (laughs). Then, of course I want to dedicate it to the fans.
3: I don�t have ideal type but of course �feeling� is the most important.
I don�t like girl who doesn�t have manner, a girl that gives a feeling that she will be a dutiful wife and devoted mother sounds good, isn�t it? After that of course, she can�t be not good at making kimchi (laughs). If I happen to like a girl, I will say �I love you� clearly. I won�t wait!
Things that you want to challenge this year
I want to appear in TV programs, I want to meet Japanese performers (artists). Right now I want to meet AKB48 (laughs).
1: Playing games and drinking water�. Usually I always have something to do. I play games to distract my mind because I think about the concert too much (laughs).
2: I want to give it to my parents who are always separated from me because of work. I don�t remember when was the last time I said �I Love You� to them, I really want to tell them those words when we meet.
Of course I feel gratitude to the fans also.
3: A person that I have a feeling for her. Outer appearance is not particularly important, I like a person whom I think is nice. Even if I�m attracted to a person, I won�t attack her. I�d like to hold interest gradually from the other side, a type that is become closer little by little.
*)T/N: by saying �attack� he means �to confess�
Things that you want to challenge this year
Because when we�re in Japan we always move by our car, I want to walk the streets of Japan! After that, I want to go a live performance of Japanese artists.
1: I always yawning all the way (laugh). Instead of being sleepy, the expression of my nervous face gets firm, so by yawning I can relax myself.
2: To the fans. For always coming and willing to call out with warm voices, even in cold days they�re always waiting outside. I always feel extremely gratitude, I�m happy. Thank you very much for being our strength.
3: I haven�t decided any special type but I prefer a person who gives a good first impression.
Things that you want to challenge this year
Because there are a lot of place that I haven�t been there, I want to go to various places. Like Fuji-Q (Fujikyu) Highland♪
*)T/N: Fujikyu Highland is a thrill ride park in Japan.
1: I always bring water, I drink a lot. After that, I go to toilet.
2: I want to dedicate it to all of you who is always supporting me all the time. For willing to cry with me in such difficult time, for willing to laugh with me in happiness. Always beside me and protect me, thank you very much. I love you.
3: A person who only look at me. If I happen to meet that kind of person, yes��I will dedicate my own-made song to her!
Things that you want to challenge this year
I want to climb up Mt. Fuji. From I was small I love to climb mountain, so I want to go to the peak of Japan�s highest mountain.
1: When there�s time to do violin performance, I am tuning my violin.
2: Because I have given my feeling in the 『Love☆Letter』 song to all of my fans, I want to give the letter to my family. Specially intended to my parents, I want to tell them "thanks for giving birth and raising me".
3: The type that I like is� a person who will be nice only to me.
I�d do anything to have a girl like that.
To all Japanese fans, I want to say (in Japanese) �daisuki~!�.
*)T/N: Daisuki literally means I like (you) the best, but usually it�s the same as �I love you�.
Things that you want to challenge this year
Because I want to share information related to fashion, when we came to Japan, I really want to go to Omotesando and Harajuku. [In here he said to Kwanghee 「*Siwan always say �I want to do shopping!�in a singing way 」] Yeah, it�s like that (laugh).
But there�s no time�
*)T/N: Siwan mimicked the way Kwanghee complained about him always tell him that he wanted to go shopping.
1: I pray, drink a lot of water.
When the clothes are often exposed, I do muscle training with everyone. I occasionally bring video camera in the dressing room.
2: My family. Now because I�m busy with work, I can�t meet them. I want to say the things that I always said and the things I am unable to say until now to them. Anyway the first is I want to convey my gratitude feeling and say �thank you� and �I love you�.
3:I like an honest person. But I myself can�t approach assertively; it�ll be the type of confession who slowly shortens the distance between us first.
Things that you want to challenge this year
I want to befriend with Japanese performers, I want to receive Japanese lesson.
I�d like to go to beautiful cities and streets in Japan.
The city that I know is Roppongi. For now I only remember that (laughs).
1: While having a review of the concert properly, I warm up and soften my body. I spent it by listening to music in the dressing room.
2: To my teacher in Senior High School. [�I really want to give it.� Minwoo said to Kwanghee] Ahahaha (laughs)
3: It�s good if there�s person who is cute and also sexy. If I like a person, I will just watch over her at the beginning, and then speak to her gradually. I want to go right away but I�m a bit shy because I�m a slow-moving type.
Things that you want to challenge this year
As expected I want to make friends with Japanese, I want to be better in Japanese. And then, I want to go to various places in Japan. Since I�ve never visit most places (in Japan), I want to go nationwide.
Source: Mook Magazine, Spring 2011 (issued in March 2011)
Translation: fetishoney@EmpireChildren (+Sakiko)
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