
Memo from CASSIPEASWORLD's Admin.

Happy Fasting to all Muslims around the world. We will SEMI-HIATUS about a few months from now. Moreover, some of us will take SPM (Malaysian National Examinations) this year. Wish us the best!

Friday, 1 October 2010

Super Junior Twitter updates from 300910

Via @ShinsFriends

특특특 특 아카데미!!! 먹는거첨봐???
TRANS: Teuk Teuk Teuk Teukigayo!!! First time seeing people eat???

Via @Heedictator 뉴욕? 스웨덴? 스위스? 독일? 뉴질랜드? 하는데 영스스텝들.. “저러다 그냥 귀찮다고 다 때려치고 집에서 게임만 할 것 같애..” 이랬었는데ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아아아아 미치겠고만..
TRANS: NewYork? Sweden? Swiss? Germany? New Zealand? Thinking like that, and YS staffs say “Always feel that he keep thinking like that and will feel annoyed soon, then (he) will not go anywhere and play games at home” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ah ah ah going crazy soon..

Via @special1004

TRANS: Ahhh..ㅠㅠ Was discovered..ㅠㅠ

Via @siwon407 – Grandmaa Happy 93rd birthday! Be healthy always & I love you :)

Via @ryeong9

Via @Heedictator

내 아이폰 갖고 놀다 셀카 찍는 뱅신이~김희철네 고양이는 셀카도 찍을줄 암ㅋㅋ그 주인에 그 뱅신
TRANS: The Baengshin that play with my iPhone~Even Kim Heechul’s cat knows how to selca ㅋㅋWhat kind of owner what kind of Baengshin

Via @Heedictator

@BoA_1105 잘되면 오빠 뽀찌 좀..
TRANS: @BoA_1105 If it sells well give oppa some bonus..

Via @shfly3424

오늘 스팸어랏 프리뷰공연 무사히마쳤습니다 ^^ 이제 본격적으로 시작한스팸어랏! 많은사랑부탁드릴께요^^
TRANS: Today SPAMALOT Preview has finally ended well ^^ Starting from now, SPAMALOT is finally going to start oficially! Please show alot of concern and love (to it) ^^

Via @AllRiseSilver

TRANS: It was supposed to be a secret….Oh no

Via @special1004

이왕이렇게 된거 어쩔수없다..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
TRANS: It happened so (I) can do nothing..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Via @GaemGyu 나홀로 여행은 다 좋은데 사진찍어줄 사람이 없어서 힘드네~~ Italy 어디까지 가봤니? – In Milano
TRANS: There isn’t anyone to take photo of me even if travelling alone is good~~ Italy, how far did you go? – In Milano

Via @GaemGyu 그리고 힘든 여정끝에 내일의 계획을 짜며 하는 고작 7.50유로짜리 와인… 이보다 더 즐거울 수 있을까?
TRANS: Planning for tomorrow’s schedule with a wine that is only 7.50 Euro… Is there anything better than this?

Found these two in Kyuhyun’s twitpic album. He hasn't tweeted it before?

Via @GaemGyu

Credit: @special1004, @shfly3424, @siwon407, @ShinsFriends, @Heedictator, @ryeong9, @AllRiseSilve, @GaemGyu
Translated by: minoko2440 @
Take out with full credits and DO NOT ADD YOURSELF TO THE CREDITS

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