>정~~~~말 오랜만에 인사 드립니당!
팬 여러분께서 오래오래 기다리셨던 빛나는 SHINee가
2집 앨범 “LUCIFER” 로 돌아 왔습니다!^^
지난 주 금, 토, 일 이른 아침부터 빛나는 SHINee와
함께해주신 SHINee World 여러분께 진심으로 감사 드립니다.
덥고 습한 날씨에도 SHINee를 위해
먼 길 찾아주신 팬 여러분께 인사 드리는
늘~ 언제나~ 계~~속 빛나는 SHINee 입니다!!
It’s been a real~~~~ly long time since we’ve greeted you!
For all the fans that waited so long, shining SHINee
has returned with their 2nd album “LUCIFER”! ^^
From the past Friday, Saturday, Sunday early mornings, we would like to truly thank
shining SHINee along with everyone of SHINee World.
To all the fans who came a long way for SHINee, even in hot, humid weather,
greeting you is the always~ all time~ for~~ever shining SHINee
이번 주에도 많은 응원 부탁 드려요~~~~~~! ^_^
그리고! KBS 뮤직뱅크에
반가운 바쁜 형님께서 꽃바구니를 보내 주셨습니다!!!!^^
누굴까요~~~? (이미 다 알고 계신..ㅎㅎ)
This week we ask you cheer a lot too~~~~~~! ^_^
Also! On KBS Music Bank
The happy but busy hyungs sent a flower basket!!!!^^
Who could it be~~~? (y’all already know..hehe)
source shinee smtown
findsource shakizi
credit to weareshining (WRS)

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